The Truth Behind Bad Skincare Habits

It’s understandable that bad skincare habits, like any habit, are hard to break. Once you get into the routine of doing something specific, it’s hard for our bodies and minds to leave that routine behind– especially when it comes to your skincare. However, the sooner you break these bad habits, the sooner you’ll be able to achieve the complexion you’re looking for. 

Don’t be too hard on yourself– a lot of common skincare issues stem from bad habits we’ve picked up along the way. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can be proactive when it comes to breaking those bad habits!

What Are Bad Skincare Habits to Break?… 

Not Taking Your Makeup Off Before Bed 

One of the worst habits you can get into is going to bed without washing your face, especially if you wear makeup– at some point, it’s something we’re all a little guilty of doing. Just think about the amount of dirt, oil, dead skin, pollutants, germs, and bacteria that accumulate on your skin throughout the day. It is important to sleep with a fresh face so that your skin can take this time to restore itself. 

This single bad habit is the cause of many daily skin problems like clogged pores, unwanted breakouts, and could even lead to premature aging. So no matter how tired you may be, cleansing your face at night should be at the top of your list! 

Not Drinking Enough Water 

If you aren’t consuming enough water throughout the day, over time your skin may start to look drier, flakier, winkler, and just not as fresh, dewy, and youthful as it could. Water is responsible for keeping your body hydrated, refreshed, and helps to maintain your skin’s elasticity which is an element that keeps your skin bouncing back after being stretched or pulled. 

In addition, people who do drink larger amounts of water are less likely to suffer from unwanted acne scars, wrinkles and soft lines, and they won’t show as many signs of aging as those who drink little amounts of water. 

Stop Touching and Picking at Your Skin

On average, human beings tend to touch their face up to 23 times in one hour. Typically, we like to think our hands are clean, but the germs and bacteria we harbor on our hands can ultimately lead to unwanted skin conditions. 

On top of that, it’s important to avoid popping pimples and picking at your skin. Understandably, it’s a very tempting thing to do, but popping your own pimples can increase your risk of getting infections, leaving behind scars and spreading bacteria to other areas on your face. 

Don’t Skip the Sunscreen

With summer coming up quickly, it’s time to stock up on your sunscreen! It’s essential to wear sunscreen throughout the year, but specifically in the summer as the UV rays get stronger and we spend more time outdoors. Neglecting sunscreen isn’t just bad for your skin, it’s also harmful and dangerous for your body. 

When deciding which type of sunscreen you should be using, it’s important to consider products that have broad spectrum protection, which means it can protect you from both UVA and UVB rays. You’ll also want to opt for an SPF of at least 30. Too much exposure to the sun without the proper protection can cause effects like sunburn, wrinkles, age spots, eye damage, and even skin cancer, which is one of the leading forms of cancer for individuals to experience. 

If you need help breaking bad skincare habits, we encourage you to reach out to our team for a skincare consultation! At New River Dermatology, we have customized solutions available to ensure your skin gets the attention it needs. Contact us today to get started! 

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