Stretch Marks 101: What Causes Them & How To Treat Them

Stretch marks can be quite bothersome and have an impact on one’s confidence. However, it's important to remember that they are a common occurrence in life and something that many people experience! It's nothing to be ashamed of, and with the right treatment, it's possible to manage and even get rid of stretch marks.

What are stretch marks? 

So, what exactly are stretch marks? Stretch marks are long, narrow streaks or lines that develop on the skin when it's stretched rapidly. They often occur when the skin is subjected to sudden changes in weight, such as during pregnancy or rapid weight gain or loss. They can also occur during puberty when the body experiences rapid growth and development.

What causes stretch marks?

The cause of stretch marks is due to the breakdown of the elastic fibers in the skin, leading to scarring. This can happen when the skin is stretched beyond its limits, causing the fibers to break down. The resulting scars are the stretch marks that we see on the skin.

Anyone can be affected by stretch marks, but they're most common in women, especially during pregnancy. Stretch marks can also occur in men and women of any age, particularly during puberty when the body is undergoing rapid growth and development. It's also common for people who are overweight or have lost a significant amount of weight to develop stretch marks.

At what age do people typically start experiencing stretch marks? Well, stretch marks can occur at any age, but as mentioned, they're most common during puberty and pregnancy – but keep in mind, they can also occur at any time when the skin is subjected to rapid stretching.

How to treat stretch marks

Now that we know what causes stretch marks, let's talk about how to treat them. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to getting rid of stretch marks, but there are several treatment options available. Topical creams and ointments can help to fade the appearance of stretch marks by increasing collagen production in the skin. Microdermabrasion and laser therapy are also options for reducing the appearance of stretch marks, however these treatments may not be covered by insurance.

If you’re looking to treat stretch marks on your own, it’s important to maintain a healthy weight and keep the skin hydrated. Drinking plenty of water, eating a healthy diet, and using a good moisturizer can help to keep the skin hydrated and prevent new stretch marks from forming! 

At the end of the day, just remember… stretch marks are a common occurrence in life, and they can be treated with the right approach. If you're struggling with unwanted stretch marks, you can always seek the help of a skincare expert. New River Dermatology is a leading dermatology clinic, specializing in everything skincare – Contact us today to find out how we can help you get rid of your stretch marks and regain your confidence!

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